Armor History - Evolution of Personal Protection Gear and Combat Armor

Modern armor history reaches all the way back to the 3400 years ago when earliest bronze metal armor sets and gear was created in Ancient Greece. With thousands of years of innovation and expansion, history of armors today represent one of the most fascinating pieces of mankind’s history of warfare.

Picture Of Turkish Plated Mail

History of Body Armor

Body armors played completely integral role in the entire pre-gunpowder history of warfare. It’s presence on the battlefield was as commonplace as helmets of shields, and even after arrival of gunfire combat modern scientists and inventor devised new techniques and accessed new materials that can stop bullets.

Picture Of Medieval Horse Armour

Medieval Armor

Description of the history of medieval armor represents a crucial part of the entire history warfare. During medieval Europe, many new forms of armor were invented, battles were won and lost by the quality of the equipment worn by soldiers and knights, and explosion of personal armor use caused significant innovations in the field of weaponry.

Picture Of Roman Scale Armour

Roman Armor

Roman military might was based on strict discipline, advanced military maneuvers, advanced offensive gear and of course, standardized protection gear that all Roman legions wore in their 1000 years of history. Find out more about roman armors here.

Picture Of Chinese Ceremonial Armour On Horseback

Chinese Armor

China was a military leader of Asian continent, responsible for creation and popularization of many armor types that spread to their neighboring territories. Here you can find out about turbulent history of China and personal armor gear they used.

Picture Of Dangae Dou Gusoku Uesugi Shrine Japan

Japanese Armor

Japan was the homeland of samurai, warrior cast that used elaborate armors made in very specific way. Here you can learn more about history of Japan, and the many forms of “Dō” armor they used between 4th and 19th century.

Picture Of Greek Soldiers With Shields

History of Shield

Hand shields are some of the most important and earliest protection armor gear ever created, with rich history of innovation, advancement, use of modern materials and widespread use in many fields of combat and law enforcement.

Picture Of Armour For Gustav I Of Sweden

History of Plate Armor

Plate armor is one some of the most popular and influential armor type ever created. It was extensively used from the time it was first created around 3500 years ago in the Bronze Age to the 19th century when gunpowder warfare sounded the end of the era of metal armors.

Picture Of Corinthian Helmet 500 Bce

History of Helmet

Helmets were integral part of soldier gear from the moment first organized armies were created so many thousand years ago by our first civilizations to today when gun and artillery combat rules the battlefields. Here you can learn more about history of combat helmets.

Picture Of German Body Armour 1918

History of Bulletproof Vest

From the moment gunpowder managed to propel bullets that can pierce though most commonly worn metal armors, worldwide inventors jumped to the opportunity to find new materials, techniques and designs that could help soldiers and law enforcement agencies to withstand direct bullet and shrapnel hits.

Picture Of Man In Armor
Picture Of Cuirass Armor
Picture Of Charles 3 Of Spain In A Suit Of Armor
Picture Of Herzog Christian Von Braunschweig Luneburg Wearing Cuirassier Armor